
What Are the Main Features of German Windows and Doors?

If you are not familiar with German windows, then I will explain a little about them. These are the usual German windows that are commonly used in both old and modern homes in Germany. These are often known as the “Weizenachs”, which translates to “wind-chimes”. These wind chimes are hung from the eaves of your […]

The Unique Advantages of Tilt and Turn Windows

What are German windows? These are a new breed of replacement windows that have taken the country by storm. If you have been thinking about replacing your windows, you may be wondering what the differences are between German windows and American, English, and British models. While they look similar from the outside, inside they have […]

Advantages of Using the Brown U PVC Windows

It is not only the beauty of your home that you would be concerned about. Nowadays, many people are also getting concern on their windows as some say that using the best window treatments for your home would increase its market value. The market value of your house depends on the window treatment that you […]

Tilt and Turn Windows – The Popularity Of These Windows Tilt

Tilt and Turn Windows – The Popularity Of These Windows Tilt, turn and roll windows are now more popular in many modern houses than those made in Germany. Yet the German tilt and roll windows have a long and valued history. They were originally called Fruitzen, which was a term that was used for the […]

What To Look For When Choosing German Windows

The best tilt and turn German windows offer energy efficiency as well as security. There are numerous factors that need to be considered when selecting the best tilt and turn German windows. The tilt and turn functions of the window are an important consideration because the tilt ensures a fresh unobstructed view when you wish […]

How To Use German Doors And Windows Effectively

German windows and doors provide high quality, durable custom glass doors and windows. All according to state-of-the-art German technology. All at an affordable price. So, use only the best German windows materials. A glass window is an architectural element that adds beauty and elegance to your home. But you want your German windows to be […]

What You Need to Know About German Windows

  When most people think of a “knock and lock” security system, the images that come to mind are old, archaic security measures from bygone days. This image is often inaccurate as today’s modern security systems offer many options for home and business owners. One of these options is the use of German windows. These […]

An Overview of German Windows

If you want to enhance the look of your home and add to its value, German windows can help. Not just windows. They are also available with sliding doors and high efficiency glazing as well. If you have a need for custom made windows, you can also go this route. They specialize in high quality, […]

How To Install A German Window

German windows are a luxury product in that they are one of the most finely made windows in manufacturing terms. German window makers have consistently made some fantastic windows over the years, but unfortunately for some consumers they’ve recently fallen on tough times. So, what is so special about German windows and why should specialise […]

How To Keep The Air Quality Of Your House Secure

There are two styles of German windows available, casement and tilt up. The casement windows are known to be some of the more old-fashioned of the styles but also some of the more attractive. It’s important to note that tilt up German windows use a hydraulic lift which is operated via a remote device. Caster […]
