Window prices for new German windows (typically high quality triple-glazing windows, meeting the latest energy efficient standards) may reach up to $90 per square foot or more. The reason for this discrepancy is that German windows are constructed on roll-up or tilt-up platforms, which increases their production cost. The cost increase for German windows can also be attributed to the fact that German windows are typically sold in “kit” form. This allows the customer to replace single panes of glass with a new one without having to dismantle and re-attach the old glass. As with most other products, there are trade-offs involved with buying new and/or custom-built German windows. Let’s explore some of the key points associated with German windows:
Read more about German Windows here
Insulation. New German windows are designed to be better insulated than traditional British and American construction. This is achieved through double paned, insulation panels. Some manufacturers use a core filled with gravel to achieve a better insulation result; others employ the use of a fiberglass core. Either method will result in increased energy costs, but both are designed to provide greater protection from summertime heat loss.
Maintenance. Like many of our country’s largest cities, German cities suffer from an unusually high number of days with extreme temperatures. In addition, we have become accustomed to intense temperatures in general, and German windows are no exception. If you live in Germany, and you live in a place that experiences extreme temperatures, it is recommended that your new German windows be regularly cleaned by professional cleaners to prevent warping. If your windows slide, they should be periodically resealed to prevent cracking due to repeated exposure to saltwater and cleaning chemicals.
Edge spacers. The majority of our country’s residential windows are framed using standard, aluminum or fiberglass. These materials can crack, fray, warp, and contract with high temperatures. By installing edge spacers, you can reduce the amount of surface area that contracts, which allows your glazing to remain effective for longer periods of time.

Homegerman Windows technologies, euro windows, tilt and turn windows and doors
Tilt Windows. In order to achieve an optimum degree of insulation, German windows must be installed at an angle of ninety degrees to the horizontal. Many residential builders in the U.S. follow this rule, but not all. If your German windows were manufactured at a later time, and have not been properly installed, tilt windows may also work better than your average tilt, turn, or swing window. Some manufacturers allow a ninety-degree tilt, while others advertise a zero degree tilt. For tilt windows, it pays to have professionally installed components.
Turn Windows. As was noted above, Germany and some other countries like the UK follow an entirely different building code than the US. Because of this, we recommend not installing German windows in your home unless you have a professional install them. It is very difficult to have one of these windows removed from the wall in your home without a trained and certified installer. Because they tilt at an angle of ninety degrees to the horizontal, and are set at a center point between the two walls, they can not be removed without damaging the wall behind them. German doors are available in a variety of styles that will match and complement the look of any home.
Swing and Turn Windows. Some homeowners prefer to install their German windows in pairs. This is referred to as a “turn and go” configuration. In this case, the louvers open outward and the glass in the outer portion opens inward. A door is installed on the inside of each of these pairs, allowing the double glazed panes to move open and close in an inward direction.
No matter which of the types of German windows that you choose for your new home, there is a perfect solution for your area. Many of the styles mentioned above can be found in a wide range of sizes, colors, and designs, making them easy to integrate into any home decor or color scheme. In addition, many of the companies that sell German doors and windows offer a wide selection of service options so that you can get them installed quickly and easily. German doors and windows make great additions to any home.