Why Choose European Window Supply Canada?

European windows have become more than just a niche product. They are 10-50 times airtight, up to 6 times more energy efficient, easier to use (double action vs single action), faster to open and offer superior soundproofing compared to their American counterparts.

Modern passive houses and civil building projects are increasingly finding favor in North America due to their energy-saving attributes.

Tilt & Turn System

European Window Supply Canada offers an extensive selection of tilt & turn windows for home builders in various sizes, shapes, and styles. These windows make great additions to any residence and can add value and beauty to any property.

These windows are user-friendly and offer excellent ventilation. Plus, their double action functionality from a single handle makes them effortless to clean as well.

Traditional windows lack multiple locking points inside their frame and sash, which makes them much less secure against forced entry from burglars.

These windows boast a steel core for extra strength, making them three times stronger than aluminum profiles.

Tilt and turn windows can be customized to match a range of architectural designs, such as French doors or oversized windows. Plus, they come complete with mullions and grids so you get exactly the look for your home.

Another advantage of these windows is their energy-saving efficiency, which outpaces American-style casement windows by up to 30%. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it’s also good for the environment too!

Furthermore, tilt and turn windows are easier to clean as they open inwards instead of outwards. That makes it much simpler to keep smaller areas like bathrooms or kitchens clean with no ladder needed.

These windows are user-friendly and can be operated with minimal training. Their modern handle provides access to four modes: lock, turn, tilt and micro-ventilation.

These windows offer maximum security, featuring up to three layers of 6mm laminated glass. Furthermore, they have a steel reinforced frame and sash that can protect against any damage or tampering.

Triple Glazing

Triple glazing is an increasingly popular alternative to double glazing among homeowners. It can improve energy efficiency in the home and reduce heat loss.

Double glazing is often more costly than single glazing, but offers better energy performance. The main distinction is that the panes of glass are insulated with air or gas such as argon. This insulating gas helps the window retain more heat during wintertime, keeping your house warmer and reducing energy bills.

Though one extra pane of glass may seem like a small change to your house, there are numerous reasons why installing this technology makes sense. Most notably, it helps reduce noise transmission through the glass, creating a more tranquil living environment.

Triple glazing is more energy-efficient than double glazing as it consists of three panes instead of two, allowing more inert gas to be used as insulation and lower U-values.

Another advantage is that triple glazed windows offer greater security. They’re built to be harder to break into than single glazing, providing homeowners with an invaluable layer of protection for their home.

Extra layers of glass and insulating gas can make your windows soundproof, especially for people living in noisy areas. This reduces irritations like earaches or coughing from outside that could have an adverse effect on your family’s health and wellbeing.

It can also help protect your home from UV rays by reflecting them away. Not only does this save money on electricity bills, but it shields furnishings and flooring from potential damage due to UV rays.

Furthermore, triple glazed windows can reduce noise transmission through your windows by up to 50% – an invaluable benefit for people living in noisy areas like inner cities or dense residential areas.

If you need to replace your current windows or are building a new home, our experienced team has the perfect solution to fit all your requirements. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through every step of the process so that you can reap all the advantages of high-quality windows at a fraction of the price.

Transmitter vs Absorber vs Reflector

Passive house compliance begins within the walls, where much of the magic takes place. Glass plays an especially significant role in providing occupant comfort and wellbeing. European manufacturers have shown that they are not lacking when it comes to window technology and design. Furthermore, those unfamiliar with European prices often benefit from higher-end windows at more reasonable costs than their American counterparts. For the most economical solution to adding glass-walled wonders to your home or office, hiring a knowledgeable and competent professional is your best bet. Not only will this give you the perfect product, but it will also create a healthier and energy efficient space that you’ll cherish for years to come.


Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments around the world. It has become an integral aspect of modern life – one which won’t go away any time soon.

Globalization was first coined in the early 20th century and has become an increasingly popular concept to explain global trade, exchange of ideas, beliefs, and culture.

Recently, this trend has been growing significantly and it is of major significance for the global economy as a whole. This is because costs of goods and services have been declining in many countries around the world, leading to an increasing demand for products from all around the globe.

Globalization can have several advantages for the windows industry. It eliminates trade and certification obstacles, enabling European windows to be manufactured using parts from various European regions. This leads to better-quality products hitting the market place, ultimately strengthening the industry as a whole.

Globalization also offers manufacturers an opportunity to improve their products, making them more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. This is especially helpful in Canada where energy costs are so high and homeowners strive for maximum energy efficiency.

Selecting the correct window type can be crucial when it comes to cutting down on energy bills and saving money on utility costs. Furthermore, make sure it complements your home’s style while offering excellent thermal performance.
