What is a Tilt and Turn Window?

What is a tilt and turn window?

A tilt and turn window is an innovative European window design featuring an innovative hinge mechanism that enables it to swing open like a door or tilt inward for ventilation.

Casement windows require more security, while this opening system is easier to operate and clean.


A tilt and turn window is a window type that opens from two different angles, allowing for light breezes or opening the entire window as if it were an entranceway. Its opening system is highly secure and user-friendly.

Tilt and turn windows have become increasingly popular throughout Europe and North America due to their energy-saving benefits compared to other window types.

These windows are an ideal choice for homeowners who want to keep their home warm while keeping noise and weather out. Furthermore, they’re suitable for families with young children or pets as they can be opened outwardly for cross ventilation without risking children climbing out or rain getting inside the house.

Though relatively new in North America, tilt and turn windows are quickly becoming a favorite among homeowners, architects and designers. These high-tech windows boast superior energy efficiency, sound insulation and security features that no other window can match.

They come in an array of styles and sizes to complement any decor. Furthermore, they are made from various materials.

A tilt and turn window has a mechanical hinge that opens on both horizontal and vertical axes. A handle attaches to the top or side of the sash, allowing you to use it either to tilt the window or swing it inwards for added light.

Tilt and turn windows can be an ideal solution for ventilation in homes with small children or pets, as they open outwardly to let in fresh air. Furthermore, tilting the window outwardly makes cleaning much simpler; simply tilt it outwards, then turn the handle inside to fully open it.

Another feature that tilt and turn windows offer is secure laminated glazing. This means the glass won’t shatter like other types of glazing due to an embedded special film that protects it in case of impact damage.


Tilt and turn windows are a contemporary and practical addition to any home. Their fast opening capability and secure lockable handles have made them popular in Europe, where they have quickly become an American trend as well.

Tilt & Turn Window Canada
Ventilation is another important consideration when shopping for your tilt and turn window. These windows allow for healthy air exchange inside your home without taking up extra space on the outside.

To create this effect, simply turn your window’s handle to one of three positions. Either turn it 180 degrees inwards for vertical air exchange or pull in all of the sash for easy cleaning access.

In addition, you can adjust the handle of your window to create a micro-mode. In this setting, only the bottom portion of the window opens for slow ventilation or venting out smells and smoke. This mode can be especially handy if you need easy access for cleaning tasks and helps prevent dust accumulation, pollen, or other allergens in your house.

These windows can be adjusted in just 5 minutes, making it quick and effortless to adapt for any changes to your home’s size or shape. Not only does this keep your house comfortable no matter the weather or season, but it also reduces energy costs while improving quality of life.

A quality tilt and turn window can help reduce your heating and cooling bills in the summertime. High-quality windows feature thick insulation in their frames to stop cold air escaping and warm air entering, helping keep temperatures consistent year round.

In addition to ventilation features, you have several frame options for your new tilt and turn windows. Depending on budget, you can pick from timber, aluminium or composite frames. Wooden frames require more upkeep as they rot and rust with age while aluminium or composite frames offer superior strength for security and longevity.

Energy Efficiency

A tilt and turn window is an effective way to save money on energy expenses. They offer superior insulation compared to standard windows, so you don’t need to heat or cool your house as much. Furthermore, these reduce noise pollution and make cleaning easier since they can be opened inwardly.

New homes often opt for tilt and turn windows due to their attractive aesthetics and numerous style options. Frames can be constructed from timber, uPVC or aluminium; the best way to select one that works best in your space is to obtain quotes from multiple companies.

These windows can also help improve ventilation in your home. When closed, they block out the sun’s rays but when opened inwardly, allow fresh air into your space. This helps ensure you don’t need to use the air conditioning constantly and also prevents rainwater from seeping in.

Furthermore, they can be opened wide for emergency egress in case of an accident or fire. This is a great way to ensure a secure escape in such cases.

Tilt and turn windows are made from uPVC plastic, known for its strength and durability. Not only that, but these windows are 100% recyclable and BPA free; fire-resistant as well as having excellent UV resistance.

They are also simple to clean, as they can be opened inwardly for ventilation. This makes them a great option for homes with small children as you only need to open them slightly to allow air circulation without exposing your hands to the sun or potential danger.

Frames for these windows come in a range of materials, such as timber, uPVC or aluminium; you simply need to select the material that works best within your budget. Plus, with Customizable frames available that match any colour scheme or design requirement.

Another advantage of tilt and turn windows is that they provide great ventilation in summertime. Not only can they be opened inwardly to let in fresh air, but they can also be opened wide for emergency egress in case of an accident or fire.


Tilt and turn windows are an excellent alternative to traditional casement windows, not only because they provide more ventilation options but they’re easier to clean too. Furthermore, their larger size means you get more natural light and can open your space up to the outside world.

Casement windows’ hinges are exposed to the elements, unlike tilt and turn windows’, helping extend their lifespan and eliminate potential issues down the line. Furthermore, tilt/turn hinges are more stable which improves speed of opening/closing the window.

Therefore, uPVC tilt and turn windows are simple to maintain. You can clean them using the same methods that you would for traditional windows.

Professional glass replacement can be done without the need to take out any of the glass. However, it’s best to hire a cleaning service instead as they will have access to hard-to-reach places that you would struggle with if doing this by hand.

If you need to replace your tilt and turn windows, contact a professional who can assist in selecting the best replacements for your home. They’ll advise you on which type of windows are ideal for your residence as well as how to ensure they fit perfectly into their designated space.

Tilt and turn windows are an ideal choice for older homes with low ceilings, as they’re not as high as traditional casement windows. This makes them easier to clean and keeps the window frames and sash from becoming too dirty.

When cleaning tilt and turn windows, use the same methods as for traditional windows to avoid scratching the glass and give your window a fresh, new appearance.

It is recommended to have the inside of your windows cleaned at least once a year to maintain their pristine appearance. This can easily be accomplished using a vacuum cleaner with a small brush attachment.
