The Benefits of a Kitchen Green House European Windows

Kitchen green house windows are a unique design element that can add charm and value to your home, as well as help you save money and reduce energy consumption.

A greenhouse european window is the ideal spot for growing herbs year-round. They make for a great addition to any kitchen, as they provide ample light for your plants.

Kitchen greenhouse european windows

Increased Natural Light

Natural light not only brightens a room and makes it appear larger, but studies have also linked it to improvements in health and mental wellbeing. This is because sunlight’s rays contain full spectrum light that light bulbs cannot replicate; plus, these rays help boost serotonin levels for improved sleep patterns.

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do at home to maximize the amount of sunlight entering your home. Install large windows, install glazed patio doors and even add a glazed extension for extra exposure.

You may choose to paint the overhangs on your house white; this will reflect light back into rooms without making them darker. Eaves that angle toward your home will also benefit, allowing more sun into living spaces.

Sheer curtains are ideal for creating a windowed effect and letting in more natural light than standard insulating blinds. You can pull them up and down to create this effect or simply open them to let as much natural light in as possible.

In addition to improving your mood and wellbeing, letting in more natural light can save money on energy bills. Studies show that adding natural lighting can reduce electricity usage by 50-70 percent – especially helpful if you live in a cold climate as it reduces the need for heating/cooling equipment.

Finally, natural lighting can boost the value of your property. It makes a room appear larger and appeals to potential buyers as this feature is something many look for when searching for a new residence.

The great news is that you can do most of this at home without breaking your budget or needing extensive renovations. All it takes is some thoughtful consideration and some helpful advice from your favorite green home expert to get started on your path to creating the ideal kitchen green house.

With these tips in mind, you can begin your journey towards a brighter side of life and an even kinder wallet!

Easy Access to Fresh Herbs

Keep fresh herbs on hand in your kitchen for flavor and health benefits. Many herbs contain antioxidants which benefit the body, helping reduce inflammation and balance gut pH. For instance, rosemary has been known to regulate hormones and lift spirits; lemon balm soothes sore throats; peppermint calms nerves.

Herbs require plenty of sunlight, so it’s essential to plant your herb garden near a window that gets plenty of natural illumination. Herbs need six hours or more direct exposure each day, so look for a south-facing window with bright morning and midday rays. If your home doesn’t have such an opportunity, grow lights can help supplement indoor lighting needs.

Once your herb garden is established, harvesting fresh herbs for meals is easy. Just ensure they get enough water as dry soil can cause plants to become stressed and produce droopy leaves or yellow foliage.

Herbs can also be grown in containers. While they don’t need large pots, your soil must have good drainage so the roots don’t get too wet and overwatered.

When cultivating herbs, it’s essential to watch out for pests like aphids, scale and spider mites. If you spot any of these insects on your plants, simply wash them away with a mild dish soap and water.

Herbs can be planted year-round, but the ideal conditions for their cultivation are when temperatures are warm and sunlight intensity is high. You can start your herbs from seeds or small plants that you can find at a local nursery; seeds take longer to mature but tend to be more cost effective than larger plants.

Increased Value

Installing a kitchen green house window offers numerous advantages. Not only will you receive more light, but it can also give the illusion of larger kitchen spaces. Furthermore, it helps make your home more energy efficient and reduce electricity bills. In wintertime, you could even use it as mini-greenhouse to grow flowers, herbs, and vegetables indoors. Moreover, installing this type of window could increase the value of your property up to 12.5%!
