Considering Many Design Elements When Installing European Windows. The tilt and turn style common in European windows are an ideal combination with many homes. Sometimes, North American styles such as double or single hung windows might appear better while still giving lots of control of light flow throughout the house.
Read more about European Windows here
The use of double hung or tilt-up doors provides more room for the ventilation of warm air. It also improves energy efficiency. On the other hand, North American framed construction uses the up and over style with the two doors adjacent to each other on the inside of the frame opening outward. This style requires a larger amount of space for air flow through doors, making it less energy efficient. The use of European windows can provide energy savings with the tilt-up style doors. They can also provide more room for the ventilation of hot air by allowing the doors to lean open during the winter and closed during the summer months.
Double hung or tilt-up doors are standard in many European windows. There are more design options available in single or double hung styles. North America’s double hung or tilt-up doors are typically constructed of aluminum, although there are other materials used in construction. The design options in single doors include sliding and folding styles, although pocket doors may be an option for North American standards.
Many European homes have windows with clear glass panes. In Europe these are referred to as “full-lite” or “open panes.” These kinds of windows allow light to shine through the panes and can be tinted in any color to create privacy or add light decoration. Full-lite can provide a sense of light and air control through the use of light diffusers and curtains and can increase the energy efficiency of the building.
North American standards for windows provide minimal ventilation through the entry door. European standards provide an abundance of ventilation by including high-efficiency “sink” style structures that are wider than the panes of glass. This structure serves two purposes: one, to provide ventilation and two to add insulation to the room. These wide structures also prevent cold air from entering the room in the winter. These structures allow for the easy movement of air and cold air from the outside into the building.

Most European windows are double-hung or tilt-up. A double-hung window has two panes of glass separated by a frame or panes of glass. This design option increases the amount of light allowed into the room. A tilt-up style provides less light and air control, while a full-latable or fiberglass door is preferred over a wooden door for energy savings.
Many homes in the north America have standard windows without any additional insulation. Double-glazed windows, which have been tested and certified as energy efficient, allow light to enter the room at a premium price. Standard double-glazed windows are the most cost effective way to reduce energy costs. North America’s outdated window frames need to be replaced with new windows, which are certified energy efficient. European manufacturers have taken the time and expense to properly test these products for energy efficiency, along with considering design specifications of their European competitors.
With so many benefits from using premium quality European style windows, along with modern day conveniences, such as a gas fireplace or wood burning stove, choosing to install new doors and windows saves money, energy and aggravation. The addition of new doors and/or windows allows for more room in the living area to enjoy the comforts of home. With all of the conveniences of home, no need to feel trapped inside.