How To Install A German Window

German windows are a luxury product in that they are one of the most finely made windows in manufacturing terms. German window makers have consistently made some fantastic windows over the years, but unfortunately for some consumers they’ve recently fallen on tough times. So, what is so special about German windows and why should specialise in German blinds? The simple answer is quality and workmanship – German windows provide an extremely solid and sturdy window which will stand the test of time. There’s also the added bonus of providing a highly durable energy efficient home window which will have a real impact on the energy efficiency of your property.

Read more about German Windows here

When compared to other products such as blinds, curtains and aluminium window frames, German windows really do stand out. German windows use tilt and turn systems which give you total control over the angle of the glass and the direction in which it opens and closes. Because of this, you can use any position that you feel most comfortable in, allowing you to maximise your comfort levels at any given time. Not only this but because German windows are so finely made, they can also be very energy efficient. The tilt and turn systems are designed not only to be highly effective at opening and closing, but also to allow you to use the system to control the amount of light that enters the room.

Another key feature that sets German windows apart is their attention to detail. The way tilt and turn windows work means that they are not just simple glass panels. As well as the tilting mechanism, the frame of the German blinds itself is made from a hardwood frame which is tightly fitted to steel struts. This not only ensures that your German window blinds are strong and robust, but that they are also able to provide a degree of energy efficiency, which would simply be impossible with other types of blinds or curtains.

Even better, these struts are so well placed on the frames that they can even be attached to wooden jambs and the framework of the window. All of this means that you can have the strength and security that you need with your German windows without having to sacrifice anything to look modern or even better than other types of blinds or curtains. As well as this, it means that when you want to close your German windows, you can simply pull the handle and the window will swing shut. Yes, the handle is not actually connected to the window frame itself, which means that you don’t have to worry about it coming loose and causing damage to your windows. If anything were to happen to the frame, it would simply break in a very short space of time, leaving you high and dry!

Of course, all these amazing features come at a price. As mentioned above, there is a large price tag associated with owning German windows, and this price includes the fact that they are extremely difficult to install. Because they need to be precision cut and precision assembled, German windows are generally only fitted once – which means that if you’re handy around the home, you might be able to fit them yourself, but that’s a lot of bother for something that shouldn’t really take that long! This is where the professional DIYer comes into play though. Because these windows require so much precision and attention to detail, not just the windows, but also the brackets and struts of the frame are required to be fitted perfectly. If you’re not a master carpenter or simply don’t feel comfortable attempting this kind of work, then it might be worth paying a professional to fit your windows for you.

Not only are German windows fantastic to look at, but they are incredibly practical as well. The great thing about these kinds of blinds and curtains is that they have a simple design that means that even if you don’t use them on the windows themselves, you will still have great-looking windows when they are open! Not only do they look great, but they also provide good levels of privacy when they are open, because the design of the frame means that they are held back from view by a solid frame, rather than just a thin wooden handle installed through the middle of the window. Some people can’t even get their head round the idea of having a frame within a window, because it makes them seem like a fake window! But when the frame within the window is made out of wood, instead of plastic, then all that perception is completely irrelevant. This is another reason why many people who like the look of German windows have opted for the installation of wooden frames within their German blinds and curtains – it looks great, and it works!

German doors and windows can also be purchased to fit the exact size to your windows, so even if you have an odd sized window, German doors and windows are the perfect fit. Because they are exact sizes, German custom made windows can be fitted to even the most odd shaped windows, so whether you want double hung, single hung, or paneled – the German custom made doors and windows will be the exact size to fit your windows. As long as you have the correct measurements, most German doors and windows are about two inches smaller in each side to fit the odd size window. Of course, if you do not have any of the correct measurements, then just measure your window height and width to the nearest standard window size and write this down, along with your custom made window’s dimensions (if you have these). That way, you can go on to the next step and find the exact size of your German custom doors and windows that will fit your German door or window perfectly.

One thing that you may wish to consider, especially if you live in a place where it is cold in the winter, is the installation of an external ventilation system to allow you to turn windows quickly to get air into your home. An external ventilation system will allow you to use German windows in places where windows without a swing up feature would be impossible to use; however, you must ensure that you get an external ventilation system installed between the top of the window, and the ceiling, or else your new German tilt and turn windows could be in danger of damping out the air flow in your home. Another method of ventilation to consider, especially if you live in a hot, dry climate, is to install some form of French Doors. These are made up of a series of glass panels that slide open inwards and then slide shut again, creating an air-flow pattern, which can be highly beneficial for drying out a room if you have an over-heating situation. Finally, ensure that you turn your German tilt and turn windows and doors when it is hot outside, and when the air conditioner or dehumidifier is running.
