The phrase European windows and doors are actually a catch-all description referring to a broad range of products which not only come from Europe but also possess some common features. These features tend to include several different practical attributes such as tilt and turn up for sliding doors and lift and tilt for windows. Even though these features are widely available in other countries, nothing compares to the high quality and durability of European-made products. Another benefit to European-made doors and windows is the variety. There are virtually hundreds of different styles and varieties that can be used to create any type of door or window for an individual’s home. This wide selection also allows consumers to match an interior design scheme to specific types of doors and windows.
Read more about European Windows here
One type of European windows used in residences worldwide is the tilt and turn up. This is often referred to as the pocket door or fold up door for its more unique characteristic of folding up when not in use. When the door is open, it appears to be fully open for convenience. The benefit of this design is energy efficiency. With this type of door, it is possible to reduce the energy cost of one’s entire residence since the amount of heat lost through windows can be significantly reduced. An added benefit of using tilt and turn up European windows is that they are quite easy to maintain.
Another type of European windows which are used in residences worldwide is the wooden pocket door or blinds. Similar to tilt and turn up European doors and blinds, wooden door and blinds can also have a significant impact on a residence’s energy efficiency. In fact, they have been certified by the North American Wood Council as “green” and are recommended by the U.S. Department of Energy as an energy efficient alternative to traditional hardwood window frames.
The wooden door and blinds have two distinct advantages over tilt and turn up European windows. The first is that they offer a more customized look to a residence than other types of European windows. These doors can often be painted with an exterior or interior color. The second advantage is that they do not require additional hardware installation or hardware removal when they are in use. Because they are hinged and attached to the wall, they can often be removed completely if one desires.

Using tilt-turn windows can also have a positive impact on energy efficiency. The design is similar to those used in tilt-up European windows, but instead of swinging out when they are not required, they are hinged inward. Because of this, they are more difficult to open. However, the result is an increased security and comfort level for homeowners. Hinged and double-hung European windows offer more security for home owners because they cannot be easily opened from the outside.
In terms of design, there are four different styles that are commonly available in the North American marketplace. These include wood, double hung, aluminum clad, and tilt turn windows. Each one has its own advantages, but they all work well in enhancing the appearance of a residence’s exterior. The wood European style windows are the best for both appearance and energy efficiency, but they tend to be more expensive due to the scarcity of old wood frames.
Aluminum clad European windows offer the best combination of style, security, and energy efficiency. These provide the best insulation and appearance, while maintaining the same security that is found with a tilt-up or double-hung window. The larger size of an aluminum clad window also provides better visibility into a residence. The cost of these windows does increase with the size, but in the end it is well worth the price.
The most common features of European windows are their size and longevity. These features combined allow them to be installed into residences faster than any other window. They can also be used as replacement doors, helping to improve the resale value of a house. In fact, over half of all homes in the United states contain some type of European quality door. The use of European doors offers more benefits to a home owner than any other kind of door, making them the number one choice among home owners in the United states.