Custom Windows in Toronto

New windows will add charm and comfort to your home, as they come in various styles such as awning, casement, picture, single hung bay and bow windows.

Fiberglass windows don’t swell or rot and require less maintenance than wood ones; additionally, their thermal performance surpasses vinyl’s.

Energy Efficiency

Home improvement projects that involve custom features can seem out of reach for some, yet high quality and stylish custom windows don’t have to break the bank – in fact switching out for energy efficient options could save up to 34% annually on energy costs!

One of the primary factors affecting window energy efficiency is its frame material, as different materials offer unique properties and benefits. Wood frames tend to offer better energy efficiency due to providing an insulation layer that keeps cold air at bay while warm air enters through cracks in their wood fiber insulation layer; however, vinyl and fiberglass frames also tend to reduce energy loss effectively.

Type of glass that a window uses can make an enormous impactful difference in energy efficiency. A double-pane window performs much better in terms of savings because its two panes act as additional insulation barriers against heat and cold, as well as decreasing UV penetration into your home, protecting carpets, furniture and other valuable items from discoloration.

Low-E window coatings can make double-pane windows even more efficient by significantly reducing solar radiation, providing energy-saving protection by filtering out UV rays from the sun’s harmful rays. Furthermore, adding an argon gas fill can increase performance by 24% when combined with Low-E coatings and double pane windows certified as Energy Star compliant.

When looking for energy efficient custom windows, it’s essential that you select a company which uses only high quality products. A reputable business will use an independent third-party organization such as CSA-accredited to test that their windows meet stringent energy efficiency and labeling criteria as well as warranties. This will guarantee you receive reliable windows which save both energy costs and usage over time.


When replacing windows, it’s essential to select durable designs in order to save money and add curb appeal to your home. Furthermore, new windows will help lower energy costs while protecting the environment. In addition, ensure the company you partner with offers warranties for their products and services.

Many homeowners need to replace their windows from time to time, particularly those living in older properties. Due to rot or weather damage, replacement windows often become necessary. When it comes time for installation in Toronto, professionals are highly recommended as they will assess your situation and recommend the appropriate style, material and features – as well as provide you with an accurate quote.

Some companies use hollow vinyl frames that are susceptible to expansion and contraction, leading to windows warping and cracking over time. A better investment would be purchasing solid wood frames built for durability as well as windows with UV protection that feature a low-E coating or coating with UV protection capabilities.

European-style windows are popular among homeowners for many reasons. Their aesthetic makes them an attractive addition to any home, while their security is unmatched with multi-point locking systems that keep your family protected against burglars. Furthermore, these windows come equipped with concealed hinges to improve aesthetics in any given space.

European-style windows offer another advantage in that they’re extremely simple to keep clean and maintain, thanks to being made from high-grade materials that don’t need painting or staining. Plus, they’re energy efficient and customizable to any budget or style!

Based on your window needs, there are two options for installation: full-frame and replacement retrofit. Full-frame installations will cost more and will require the interior wall to be stripped back to studs before cutting drywall and refinishing afterwards; however this type of window could be suitable for older homes without siding or brick features.


Window styles and designs are an integral component of your home’s architecture. They contribute to its exterior appearance and can often become the focus of visitors’ gaze when passing by. Custom windows offer you various aesthetic choices tailored to meet your specific design requirements; larger or narrower than mass-produced counterparts may help create more interesting, eye-catching looks; they come in various shapes such as circles, half circles, hexagons or intricate stained glass designs for even further customization options.

Customize the color and frame style of your window or frame to complement both the interior and exterior theme of your house, particularly useful if you want your windows to blend into their environment. Some manufacturers even provide energy-saving glazing options that look great too!

Custom windows offer more than aesthetic beauty; they also come in an assortment of unique shapes that would not be possible with mass-produced models. Custom-built windows can help light up stairs or other areas where standard models cannot fit – for instance, installing triangle-shaped windows in your gable would allow natural light to enter while providing breathtaking views of sky or tree canopy views.

Window Walls, consisting of glass panels spanning walls up to 50ft long, offer another distinctive shape. These windows can create an optical illusion between indoors and outdoors by connecting both spaces seamlessly; often used in living rooms or sunrooms to bring in natural light, airflow, or provide additional privacy in living rooms or bedrooms requiring extra privacy – they even come equipped with French door openings so users can open it from either side!


Windows may seem like just another utilitarian feature of a home, keeping out elements and letting in sunlight; but they are actually some of the most vulnerable parts of its facade and it is important to keep this in mind when selecting new custom windows and adding security measures that prevent burglars from easily breaking in.

Glawindows picture

Window locks can be found for almost every type of window, including sliding and double-hung. Some are built into their frames while others can be added easily with minimal effort; keyed ones allow you to securely lock sashes without opening the window while other locks may be mounted outside or, depending on their style or depth-set window models, to the jamb – these may use screws or drill-resistant anchors depending on your level of security requirements.

Lag-screw locks can be installed by driving them into the sash’s tracks, making it more difficult for users to lift or slide open windows. Available in various resistance classes and suitable for vertical as well as horizontal rail sashes, these can even be locked partially open for ventilation purposes.

Security bars can be added to certain windows for added protection; these heavy metal rings cannot be easily unfastened from their positions on either the interior or exterior casing and suit virtually every style of window – though they tend to look less appealing than decorative grilles.

Install a sliding-bolt lock along the sash rail for a sleeker approach that allows quick escape in case of emergency while keeping windows secured. This type of lock can be keyed or unkeyed for convenient security while still permitting quick escape routes in case of trouble. Install a scissors-type gate instead to provide the same level of security while keeping windows functional as emergency exits. Always select a window company that understands the importance of complying with egress requirements, which mandate that every bedroom should provide direct exit to outdoor. Also consider installing child safety guards; just be sure to supervise small children closely in case an emergency situation occurs and practice detaching them quickly to prevent injury.
