Casement Windows in USA

Contrasting with double-hung windows that open vertically with two independently moving sashes, casement windows swing open like doors to provide full window ventilation and seal more tightly than other styles while requiring less maintenance.

These windows can be customized with either functional dividers or non-functional muntin strips for decorative purposes. Furthermore, there is an abundance of design choices such as light neutral colors like white, clay, tan and almond to darker shades of brown that come standard.


Casement windows create a tight seal when closed, providing optimal energy-efficiency and insulation. But when opened they provide extraordinary ventilation with their angled opening allowing side breezes and sunlight to easily pass through, as well as their rotary crank handle enabling maximum airflow.

These windows also provide stunning panoramic views, since they do not feature meeting rails like slider and sash windows do, leaving more of your property visible through unobstructed wood, vinyl or metal strips.

Though an open view can be appealing, it is essential to remember that windows cannot be closed completely – which may not be ideal in stormy climates or for homes with children or animals who could escape through them. As such, security screens for casement windows may be beneficial in these instances.

Casement windows differ from sliding windows by having an opening angle of 90o, offering greater ventilation and making cleaning simpler than any other style of window. They’re also easier to operate than double- or single-hung versions which may only open a few inches before becoming jammed; casement windows also offer additional security by not being easily kicked or pushed in by intruders trying to gain entry to your home.

Energy Efficiency

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Many homeowners understand that upgrading windows can boost energy efficiency in their home, but which window type should they select? While double-hung windows are popular choices, casement windows often deliver greater energy savings as their hinges and cranks work against frames to seal any air leaks (1). Plus, casements can open wide for full ventilation making them perfect for kitchens and living rooms.

Double-hung windows, on the other hand, are less efficient due to their open sash design that allows air leakage through gaps in its frame. This can result in energy loss during winter when cold air enters while warm air escapes – leading to higher heating bills and an increased reliance on an air conditioning system (2).

Casement windows’ unique design enables them to open at multiple angles, making them an excellent option for homeowners seeking ventilation in their homes and providing cooling breezes during hot summer days. In contrast to other window types that only partially open, casements allow maximum ventilation (3). Their handle-type mechanism also provides security benefits as it requires exerting forceful hand movements in order to turn the crank, making it hard for thieves to gain entry by hand into your home and breaking in by force alone (3).

Casement windows offer convenient security (4) due to their ability to be closed quickly. Furthermore, they can be opened or closed from various rooms within the house providing homeowners with added flexibility.


There is an overwhelming variety of windows on the market today, leaving homeowners to struggle when selecting which type to install in their home. But whatever choice is made will have an immediate effect on functionality, energy efficiency, value when selling their house later and overall quality of life in their community. Knowledgeable homeowners can use research to select replacement windows that best meet their needs.

Casement windows differ from double-hung windows in that they open with the turn of a crank handle rather than by moving against gravity like double-hungs do, offering wider views and greater ventilation. They’re also easier to clean due to a lack of moving sash that requires opening or closing each time they’re used compared with double-hungs.

Casement windows typically create tighter seals when closed than double-hung ones due to not featuring tracks that wear down over time and allow air leakage through gaps between panes of glass.

When searching for replacement windows, it’s essential to find a brand that offers both a warranty and superior customer service. Alside stands out amongst its peers by providing an industry-leading limited lifetime warranty on all their products – plus their website boasts an impressive selection of replacement window products with customizable options and colors available.

Marvin Windows are another top manufacturer that provide premium replacement windows at a great value. Their website makes it easy for consumers to compare contractors and find something within their budget range. Both companies also provide free consultations to help homeowners determine what type of windows will best fit their home environment.


Casement windows differ from sliding windows by operating using hinges positioned at one side of their frame and opening with either a handle or crank for opening and closing, providing protection from burglars who might try to gain entry to your home. Furthermore, casements keep your home warm by creating a tight seal that helps insulate it against drafts – saving money on utility and gas bills in turn.

Casement windows provide another benefit of choosing them over other window types: their resistance to break-in is unparalleled. While double-hung windows can easily open from the top, casements require forceful pushes to be opened – preventing intruders from easily breaking in and taking your possessions away. This feature serves as an added layer of security against break-in attempts into your home.

If you want to strengthen the security of your casement windows, installing additional hardware may help increase their protection. Magnetic switch sensors and glass break shock sensors are popular choices; other auxiliary locks such as impact glass provide extra safeguards – they act like spider web patterns on impact instead of shattering, making thief deterrence even more effective!

If you’re planning on installing casement windows for your house, it is crucial that you consult with an experienced contractor to ensure a seamless installation process. United Home Experts professionals will inspect existing windows in your home and recommend any necessary modifications before installing new casement windows. They can also perform maintenance services to make them as secure as possible by lubricating hinges to keep them from rusting or being stuck while cleaning up debris between frame and glass surface.


Casement windows offer enhanced ventilation, increased energy efficiency and a cleaner aesthetic than double-hung windows do. Their sleek design is especially eye-catching in open-plan living areas. Furthermore, casement windows can be customized further with window grids or without them to offer homeowners more customization and versatility in selecting a style that complements their home design. Finally, casements windows have less drafts and air leakage because their window sashes press tightly against their frames when closed – providing improved insulation properties.

Casement windows offer simple functionality with their easy-to-reach lever inside of each window and hinges that can open on either the left or right sides. Hinging options such as pivoting allow casements to fit perfectly in hard-to-reach locations like above kitchen sinks; versions without muntins (known as muntins) offer modern, minimalist appeal.

Casement windows not only offer superior ventilation, but are also more durable due to being less exposed to environmental wear-and-tear. Furthermore, casements make an excellent choice for homes with limited space as they can be opened fully for optimal light and airflow.

Casement windows offer another security benefit by being opened and locked from multiple points for increased home protection, preventing intruders from breaking in through multiple entryways. Their strong construction with embedded hook-shaped locks provide reliable protection from break-ins while being much simpler to clean as all sides can be reached from all directions. When it comes to style options homeowners have several colors from light neutrals like white, beige and almond to darker tones such as khaki clay or tan that they can choose from for style preferences.
