If you’re searching for a versatile window color that works with various home styles, bronze might be your ideal option. This deep shade adds an industrial flair to modern homes while also emphasizing European-style architecture’s formality and old-world charm. However, you should be aware that bronze windows may not be an ideal choice for historic […]
Disadvantages of Black Fixed Windows
Black fixed windows are a striking design element that can add visual interest to your home. Before you get started though, there are some things to consider. First and foremost, black frames tend to get hot in hot climates and should not be used in such cases. To combat this issue, we developed a special […]
How to Decorate a Window Sill Wall
Window sill walls are ideal for displaying art, mementos or other small items. Though often overlooked, this space can really add character to a room. It can also be an ideal place for setting up a desk area, or even bedside tables. This way you’ll have plenty of workable space without taking up too much […]
What’s a Window Sash?
Your european windows consist of three main components: glazing, a frame that frames the glass and a sash that holds everything together. Window sashes are adjustable pieces that slide up and down to open or shut a window. Usually attached to either the top or bottom of the frame, window sashes may feature clasps which […]
Bulletproof Glass Pros and Cons
Bulletproof glass is an often-used material in commercial and industrial structures, but it can also present certain challenges and in tilt and turn windows. Monolithic acrylic is the most common type of bulletproof glass. This material comes in thicknesses from 1 1/4″ to 1 3/8″, and it’s highly malleable, making it simple to drill, cut, […]
Obscured Glass – Pros and Cons
Obscured glass refers to any glass that distorts or obscures the view of objects on the other side, including frosted, patterned and textured varieties. These windows are perfect for spaces that require some degree of seclusion between exterior and interior spaces, such as bathrooms. They can also be utilized in other unique applications like bringing […]
The Benefits of a Kitchen Green House Window
Are you searching for a way to add an elegant touch to your kitchen, consider installing green house windows. These types of windows protrude slightly beyond the wall surface and are popular due to their versatility. You can utilize this space for growing herbs or flowers, as well as decorative plants. Additionally, you could add […]
Black Cased Windows in Canada
Black cased windows are an excellent way to give your home a contemporary look, complementing any house style from traditional to high-tech and contemporary. There are three primary types of black window frames in Canada. One features the entire profile being colored black, another has white but painted black inside, and finally, there’s a special […]
Black Windows With Black Trim
Black windows with black trim are one of the latest home design trends. They add visual interest and depth to a room. These windows can add to the curb appeal of a home, especially modern and transitional style homes. Plus, they go well with many other exterior colors and styles as well. They’re Modern Black […]
What You Need to Know About a Window Warranty
Window warranties for the european windows can be complex, so it’s essential to understand what you’re getting into. Not all warranties are created equal and contractors who don’t know what they’re talking about could leave you in the lurch if there ever a problem arises with your new windows. When shopping for window warranties, the […]