What are window trims?
Window trims are like framing accessories you can add around windows for a better aesthetic. Trims are usually in board-like shapes and come in different materials. Most commonly, they are made from vinyl. The trims are placed around the window highlighting the edges of the frames. Usually window trims are made to match or contrast the window frame color. They are sometimes also used to cover up any visible seals around the window after construction.
Window trims can be used on the exterior as well as on the interior. Exterior window trims are installed vertically placed. In a way in which the flat part of the trims is flat to the exterior of the wall(s). Interior window trims are usually horizontally placed and sometimes referred to as jambs. If interior window trims are left big and stick out inside, they are usually called window sills.
Black window trims can visually make the windows look sharper and act as a great accent to the style. Black trims are very universal and suit almost any colored siding and window frames.
What are window sills?
Sills are horizontal board-like extensions of the bottom jamb. They are placed on top of the jambs leaving ¼” – 1″ overhung. They are look like an overhung of the jamb but are thicker and decorative. Commonly, interior window sills are used for their function. For example to hold plants, miscellaneous objects, and decorative items.
Black exterior window sills are very rare but do exist. Usually these would be only used with operable windows. Windows like the casement, tilt turn, French, and slider windows.
Black window sills are very decorative and can be an excellent addition to your bathroom, living room, bedroom, office, garage, and other areas. However, on a sunny day, they may heat up and become harsh to the touch. They may also overheat sensitive things, like plants, if they are placed on top of the sills.
What are black trims made of?
Black trims for the exterior and ones for the interior use different materials. Exterior black trims are made of painted wood, Hardy boards, corrugated aluminum and steel, and stone. Depending on the climate the project is set in, it may use different materials for the black window trims. For example, a hot climate my use wooden or Hardy board trims instead on aluminum ones. Wood trims in that climate would be easier to maintain and would heat up less than aluminum or steel trims. Options such as stone and granite look great and fit any climate and almost any style. However, they are quite expensive.
Interior black window trims usually made of wood. Be it redwood, black-wood, or just painted wood. However, there are also options like granite, quarts, and vinyl. Interior black trims are a good option as an alternative to black framed windows. With black window trims, you can have white windows but make them look like black framed ones from a distance.
Exterior black window trims, Pros And Cons
Exterior black window trims have several great pros. They are that they are easy to clean, hassle-free, suit many styles of homes, act as a bold accent to the windows, and that they suit window frames, siding, and doors of any color. They can also be used to cover up window seals. Generally, black window trims are an inexpensive window style upgrade that increases the house value.
In addition to the pros of exterior black window trims, there are 2 cons. The first being that they if they are painted, they would need to be repainted after several years. The second being that they may be an unavoidable purchase. The latter is because they may be needed to cover up visible window seals left after window instillation. However, this is not the case if the instillation was done neatly.
Black Interior Window Trims (Black Jambs), Pros And Cons
Interior window trims are commonly white, however with black window trims, you are getting some advantages. Black interior window trims can be quite aesthetic and suits many house styles. They highlight the window in a unique way. They are also quite functional. They cover up the framing in your walls which results in a much better look.
There are just a few cons of black window trims. The main con is that they are more expensive. They also need to serve a specific purpose and need to compliment the interior style.
Black interior window sills
There are several advantages having black interior window sills has to offer. Black window sills are very useful and can add visual appeal to many different kinds of styles. Window sills come in several different materials. This adds to your design options. Depending on the material you use, you can easily add value to your house. With black window sills, this is even more true. Black window sills highlight the window in unique way that is sure to benefit your style.
Although black interior window sills look great, they do have some cons. On sunny days, the black window sills can overheat things put on top of them. For things like plant, this can be damaging, especially in the summer. For metal objects, it can cause them to heat up and thus become uncomfortable to pick up after some time. So, black window sills can get quite hot, especially in the summer and especially in hot climates. In addition to heating up metal objects and damaging some kinds of plants, black window sills can just be an uncomfortable surface to touch. It can even cause the actual sills to shift in place. Another risk is the edges of the window sills. If they are not rounded off, they can become a hazard to be near as sharp wood, vinyl, and especially granite or stone, can easily cut you if you are not careful.
Black Exterior window sills

Although black exterior window sills are quite rare in the USA, they have a few pros. The main pro is that they are quite handy when used in combination with french windows. This look is classic and can be useful. Usually exterior black window sills would be used to hold up plants but this has its con.
Black exterior window sills have 2 big cons. The first is that they get quite hot in the summer. Especially if they are used in hot climates. This causes the surface to get hot. This can damage plants which usually go on top of black exterior window sills. The second big con is that black exterior window sills can be a waste of money. Unless they would be used every day and have purpose, it takes quite a long time to get your money back on the investment.
How to install black window trims
First, select a type of black window trim. Easily printable hardly board trims work great for most builds. Hardy board trims come in a real size of 3½ or 4½” in width and 1” in thickness. Next, prime the trims if they are not primed already (they are usually pre-primed). Now it is time to paint them black before installing them. The best paint for this job would be Acrylic. Now that they are painted, it is important to give the paint time to dry before installing the trims. For the instillation, you can simply nail or screw the black window trims n you house sheeting or framing studs. For best results you can use galvanized screws. This prevents corrosion and leaves them in better shape for longer. The final step would be to cover up the ends of the nails or screws with some left over paint. This last step is optional but it does leave the trims looking better.
Painting Exterior Window Trim Black
Painting exterior window trim black is an easy way to make the windows and house look better. In addition to this, it doesn’t require a big budget. This modification can be easily done by almost any owner. Provided they get some help for window trims on the second floor and or above.
How To Paint Exterior Window Trims Black
The first step in painting the window trims is to prepare the surface of the trims. Many overlook or forget about this step but it is essential for best results. To do it, you would need to clean the window trims with a damp cloth. This is to get rid of the dirt and grim. Then, you can use a cleaning solution on another cloth to get rid of most of the oils. Then, use a paint solvent or thinner to get rid of any last traces of oil. The final step for preparing the surface might not seem essential but it does leave you with better results.
The second step is to apply a good layer of high-quality clear primer over the trims. This primer should be specific to the material your trims are made of. Wood primer for wooden trims and UPVC primer for vinyl trims. Colored primers are not the best option because when the paint starts to fade, the color of the primer may start to show through. This can ruin the look.
The third and final step is to actually paint the exterior window trims black. For this, you can use a wide paint brush and acrylic exterior paint. The paint should again be specific to the material your trims are made of. The higher quality the better. For vinyl window trims, it is best to use paint for UPVC. For Wooden trims, it is best to use paint for wooden decks. If you have wooden trims, it is best not to use a stain. Stains only last 2-4 years while painted trims last 20 – 30% longer.
The fourth step is to let the window trims dry. This can take 12 – 24 hours. Usually higher quality paint requires longer drying time.
An optional step you can do after you painted the exterior window trims black and let them fully dry, is to coat the trims with a matt or semi-gloss clear finish. This is a great way to solidify your results. It leaves the paint layer undisturbed for much longer, leading to longer service life.
Window Muntin Bars
Window Muntin bars, glazing bars, or sash bars, are strips of metal, wood, or vinyl that are attached on the outside of glass units. Muntins are commonly found on windows and doors being either on the interior, or exterior side. Typically, used in western designs, muntins make the window look like it has gills.
The muntins themselves are made from vinyl, wood, aluminum, fiberglass, or steel. However, they are most commonly found in vinyl (UPVC). They are narrow rectangular strips that get attached to the glass via double-sided tape, much like stickers. Although usually only attached to the exterior or interior side of the window, they are sometimes attached on both the interior and exterior side. As well as in the middle of the glass unit. This creates almost a full effect of black grills or black mullins, but looks more natural.
Although black window muntin bars look great and stylish, they are a risky option. Much like other problems with black windows, black muntins can overheat on sunny summer days. This might not show negative effects day one, after several summers in use, they may cause the window to thermally crack. This would be due to the difference in temperature between the muntins and the rest of the glass unit. However, if you do not live in a hot region and get quite mild and cold weather, they may be a safe option. If are going to buy black window muntin bars, and live in a warmer region, black window overheating measures should be taken.
Window Muntins for Sale
Black window muntins are usually put for sale as a way to get rid of old inventory. However, this does not mean that the products are bad. Sometimes, good-quality black window muntins go on sale. This may be a way to save money while getting good quality. However, it is not common that your will find dark window muntins for sale in your needed dimensions. But, if they are in a larger size than you want, you can just cut them down.
How to Install Black Window Muntins?
Muntins are installed via strong double-sided tape. The tape can be laid on in staggered portion or in consistent rows. Then, the muntins are simply attached on like hard stickers.
Muntins or Mullions, What’s the Difference
Muntins or Mullions? Muntins are strips of material used on the outside of glass units. These muntins make it look like the window has grills. While mullins are vertical or horizontal frame pieces that divide the window into 2 or more sashes. These make a large window resemble 2 smaller windows.
Another difference between mullins and muntins is the width and thickness of each. The width of Mullins is usually about 3” – 4”. The width of muntins is usually about 1” – 2”. The thickness of Mullins is roughly ¾”. The thickness of muntins is roughly ¼”. Visually you can almost always tell the difference between muntins and mullins. Mullions being wider and thicker while muntins being narrower and thinner.
For black or dark framed windows, mullins are less risky than muntins. This is because you have a lower risk of thermal cracking with mullins than with muntins. This is due to uneven heating on the glass you get with mullins. Considering these features, black mullins a better choice than black muntins for black windows. However, in cold climate regions, both work and look great as there is a low risk of overheating.