Black Vinyl Clad Windows

Black vinyl-clad windows offer a modern solution for replacing outdated or rotting windows, and they’re more energy-efficient than wooden ones.

These windows are constructed with a combination of wood and vinyl to guarantee their strength and performance. They come in an array of styles, such as casement, sliding, awning and single-hung options; furthermore they come with various grill patterns and exterior colors to suit any taste or preference.

Black Windows


Black clad windows are a popular choice, which can blend in with almost any color or house style. Not only do they look modern and sleek, but they’re an excellent style choice for commercial projects as well as private residences alike.

Black vinyl clad windows come in various varieties. One option has a white profile base with special black colored foil covering the entire frame – this is your best bet since it doesn’t fade and lasts longer than painted windows do.

The other popular option uses black tinted vinyl foil on one or both sides of the upvc main profile, offering a much cheaper alternative than its two counterparts. However, this choice has some drawbacks such as overheating and decreased structural strength.

In the future, manufacturers may opt to incorporate black into vinyl instead of painting it on. However, this process adds an extra step and costs more than other colors.

When painting vinyl-clad windows, make sure you use high quality UPVC primer and premium black UPVC paint. A superior primer is essential to avoid damage to the coating while superior paint ensures that it lasts longer.

Another important consideration is that black windows tend to reflect heat. This can be an issue in hot climates, particularly if the window frames are made of soft material like vinyl.

Due to this, we recommend using a different color vinyl for windows in warmer climates. Our EXOFOL FX foils are specially formulated to be more thermally stable and absorb less heat – perfect for reducing the amount of heat reflected by black windows during hot climates.

When selecting the color for black UPVC windows, it is essential that they match your home’s exterior or roof tone. Otherwise, the window will stand out too much and not fit well with the architecture of your house.


Black vinyl-clad windows are an excellent option for homeowners seeking to add a unique flair to their home. These versatile windows can be used in numerous styles to achieve the desired look.

Curb appeal can be enhanced on both interiors and exteriors by installing large potted plants that let more light in, creating a feeling of spaciousness inside the house.

These windows can be an excellent option for homeowners looking to increase their property value, but it’s essential that they fit well with the rest of your house. If unsure whether these windows will blend in or not, consult a professional and get some guidance on which style would look best in your space.

There are three basic styles of black vinyl-clad windows: one where the entire profile is colored black; another is where the frame is white but painted black both inside and outside; finally, a third option uses an applied foil covering on top of the upvc main profile.

The first type of frame is a popular and mainstream choice. Unfortunately, it does not last as long as other options, starting to fade in 3-6 years. Furthermore, paint may crack or peel over time, necessitating frequent maintenance in order to keep looking its best.

Comparatively, the second type of frame is a superior option that won’t fade and requires no upkeep. Furthermore, it features wide steel core frame reinforcement for maximum strength and longevity.

For those seeking a contemporary aesthetic, this bold and strong color will create an eye-catching contrast effect.

Industrial-style builds often choose this bold hue, as it looks great in factories. Furthermore, those seeking to design a modern home will find this shade an excellent choice.


Black vinyl clad windows are a modern and stylish choice that can be used in various house styles. They’re particularly popular for contemporary constructions or renovations, but can also complement traditional home designs and aesthetics.

Windows can also be used to replace existing ones in a home, but there are some things you should be aware of before having them installed.

First and foremost, black windows tend to be more expensive than other window types due to the special glazing and frame materials required. Furthermore, these windows should not be used in regions with extreme temperatures.

Black windows tend to absorb a lot of sunlight and heat quickly, which can lead to problems with their frames and glass units. These issues can range from minor performance losses to severe thermal cracking.

One way to fix this issue is by painting the frames. Utilizing high quality UPVC paint will guarantee excellent results in this regard.

The painting process should not take too long to finish. The initial step involves cleaning the surface thoroughly. After that, apply primer to vinyl which helps the black paint adhere to it better.

Once the UPVC primer has been applied, you can begin applying black paint. You may either do this with a brush or spray gun; however, wait for 24 to 48 hours until the paint has completely dried.

If you want to protect your black UPVC windows from fading, coating them with vinyl foil is an effective solution. Not only will this look great, but it also ensures the color remains vibrant for extended periods without fading.

Another great advantage of these types of windows is their ease of cleaning and resistance to stains and dirt, making them an ideal choice for homeowners who want to keep their houses looking nice.


Black vinyl clad windows in your home can give your property a sophisticated, modern look and feel. However, to get the perfect type of black clad for your requirements, consult an expert. A qualified specialist can save you from costly mistakes and provide lasting solutions.

Maintaining your new black-clad windows is essential to its longevity and performance. Start by cleaning the frames, then apply a coat of high quality upvc primer using either a brush or spray system. Wait 24 – 48 hours for the primer to dry completely before painting; during this time you can check for scratches or cracks in the glass for any unpleasant surprises down the line. Lastly, remember to regularly clean your windows using a soft cloth and mild soapy water; this will prolong their shine and prevent future scratches or cracks from developing.
