Black Mullion Windows

Black mullion windows add an air of grandeur and charm to any room, especially when combined with lighter-colored walls and trim.

Window mullions are vertical bars that connect two windows or divide a large window into sections. While still common in Victorian-era architecture, mullions have become less prevalent over time.

Black Windows

Energy Efficiency

Black mullion windows are currently one of the most sought-after choices for new homes due to their striking visual appeal and ability to blend in with a variety of styles and colors.

However, they are also highly energy efficient and can help you save money on your electricity bill each year. This is due to their ability to block out UV rays from entering your home, making it more comfortable and cozy inside.

When selecting windows for energy efficiency, the type of frame you select is key. You have your pick of fiberglass, steel core or vinyl frames; while more expensive than vinyl options, fiberglass frames offer greater longevity and durability.

When selecting the color for your house frames, location is another important factor to consider. If it’s hot in your area then white framed windows may be preferable over black ones.

If your climate is moderate, black mullion windows can still offer you the advantages of heat resistance. Vinyl is more susceptible to heat than other materials, meaning you save money on energy bills each year with these windows.

Though black mullion windows offer many advantages, there can be disadvantages as well. For instance, they tend to be more expensive than white-framed windows and may need tempered glazing which could increase the price by 5-10%.

Furthermore, they are more vulnerable to overheating than white framed windows, leading to performance loss and severe thermal cracking. Thus, it’s best to avoid them in areas with high humidity levels.

These factors can be avoided by investing in a high-quality black mullion window made from only premium materials. You may also request an enhanced upvc mix that’s more resistant to heat and moisture in hot climates; otherwise, your indoor temperature may become unstable and your comfort level may suffer as a result. With proper window selection, these issues won’t arise.


Black mullion windows are an excellent choice for those seeking to add visual interest to their home. Not only are these windows highly durable, but they’re also suitable for both contemporary-style homes and high-end projects alike.

However, black mullion windows do have some drawbacks that homeowners should be aware of. These include overheating, heat transfer from the frames to the glass unit, and fading.

On hot summer days, overheating can be a serious issue and lead to structural issues with both the frame and glass unit. This may cause the frame to bulge out on the exterior side, potentially shortening its life expectancy as well.

It is essential that you purchase from a reputable manufacturer that understands the hazards associated with black window frames and utilizes wide steel core framing for improved durability and stability. Furthermore, select glass units suitable for these frames.

To reduce the risk of overheating, utilize a wide steel core frame reinforcement, select suitable glass units for your project, and use a high-temperature upvc mix tailored specifically for dark frames. Doing this can significantly reduce the risks of excessive heating, thermal cracking, and color fading.

Another potential problem can arise with grilles, mullions and muntins. These thin strips attach to the exterior of a frame in grid patterns. Unfortunately, these can create an unattractive “cage effect” on windows which not only looks unsanitary but could pose safety hazards as well.

On hot or sunny days, this can be a serious issue and lead to air and water leakages, as well as insulation damage. If you are getting these windows for new construction or replacing existing ones with these ones, this should be taken into consideration.

For those searching for black windows, there are a variety of options to choose from. Gel coated fiberglass and painted fiberglass windows both fade, but gel coated windows tend to be much more durable compared to painted; painted fiberglass only fades after 5-10 years while gel coated windows can last over two decades!


Black mullion windows are one of the most eye-catching types of windows available and can add an elegant touch to any home. In fact, black mullions have become a go-to choice for both high-end residential and commercial projects alike.

These windows boast a sleek and modern aesthetic that blends in well with many house styles, from traditional to contemporary and high-tech. Their dark color and smooth surface offer great contrast when paired with white or light-colored interiors; they’re particularly effective in bathrooms or bedrooms.

These windows can be an excellent choice for office buildings, store fronts or sky scrapers that need to stand out. Unfortunately, these windows tend to be costly and require custom construction on-site.

Muntins used to be an essential element of window construction, separating individual panes of glass and providing crucial structural support. Nowadays, however, they’re mostly decorative elements.

In the past, they were attached to both interior and exterior sides of a window. They could be constructed out of various materials such as wood, aluminum, vinyl or steel.

Nowadays, they’re commonly found on the side of vinyl window frames or UPVC window units. These short rectangular strips attach to the glass with double-sided tape.

Strips can be painted black, but we rarely suggest homeowners do so. Paint is not the most durable finish and may fade over time if exposed to too much UV exposure.

If you’re opting for a more organic aesthetic, neutral colors such as natural white or anthracite gray can work just as well as black; they add depth to your windows without overpowering them.

Another consideration when choosing windows and mullions is their size. Large windows with thick frames and prominent mullions may dominate a room, while smaller or nonexistent mullions help create an airier atmosphere by reducing clutter.

Another option is using black grilles, which can be an effective way to segment off a large space. However, be mindful when employing this style as it may create the appearance of cages.

Window Treatments

Black mullion windows are an excellent way to give your windows some definition and outline. They may also be suitable if your walls are light colored and you want a more modern, stylish appearance.

Window treatments for black mullion windows come in many varieties, from curtains and blinds to grilles made from various materials like metal or plastic. You also have the option of installing various window grids and grilles that can be customized according to your preferences.

Another option is vinyl foil covered frames. These don’t fade and last for many years, though they may be more costly than painted or gel coated frames.

Another option is to use a specially modified UPVC frame, designed specifically to withstand extreme temperatures. While they may be more costly than standard white frames, they also offer greater durability and energy efficiency.

The primary concern with UPVC frames is that they may become overheated during summers and crack. This can occur if too much sunlight hits them from inside or if they are located in an area with high temperatures.

These issues can be avoided by selecting a wide steel-core frame reinforcement, carefully chosen glass units, and an optimized upvc mix custom tailored for your project. Doing this will reduce the chance of overheating issues and protect you from thermal cracking.

When installing black UPVC frames, one of the most essential aspects to take into account is creating an adequate gap between the frame and rough opening. Generally speaking, this should range from 1 1/4” to 1 1/2″ depending on the window size.

If the gaps between frames are too small, nail flanges that hold them together could be weaker and easier to break due to UPVC windows’ tendency to expand when heated. This makes connecting nail flanges with wooden supports much harder.

Overall, black mullion windows are a great choice for many styles of homes. They’re especially popular in modern and contemporary designs but can also work well in honorable farmhouse-style houses.
